Mariachiara Tallacchini
Full professor at the Faculty of Economics and Law of the Catholic University of Piacenza
Mariachiara Tallacchini is professor of Philosophy of Law at the Faculty of Economics and Law, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Piacenza, Italy) and of Science, Law, and Democracy at the International School for Advanced Studies (ISAS/SISSA, Trieste – Italy). After the degree in Law, she earned a PhD in Legal Philosophy (University of Padua) and worked as a postdoctoral fellow in the STS programme at the Kennedy School of Government (Harvard University). Between 2007 and 2009 she chaired the European Advisory Group on Science in Society for FP7. From 2013 to 2015 she worked as Senior Scientists at the European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC, Ispra). Her interests concern the legal regulation of science and technology and the relationships between science and democracy, especially in the domain of the life sciences. She is a member of several ethics’ committees, a member of the Accademia dei Georgofili, and of the Council of USI (Università della Svizzera italiana).
Among her publications: Trattato di Biodiritto, volume I (con Stefano Rodotà), 2010; Manifesto per un’educazione civica alla scienza (con Nico Pitrelli), 2023; Scienza e potere, in M. Cartabia e M. Ruotolo (a cura di), Potere e Costituzione, Enciclopedia del diritto, Giuffrè, Milano 2023, 1059-1095; Xenotransplantation: The Role of Public Involvement, in D. J. Hurst et al. (eds.), Xenotransplantation. Ethical, Regulatory, Social Aspects, Springer Nature, Cham (CH), 2023, 17-32.